Monday, June 28, 2010


I stubbed my toe hard on Saturday morning. Really put a dent in the day's plans; we were all set to take a beautiful hike up on Mt. Hood. Blast that god-damned chair. We went up anyway, and I did not make it very far into the woods with my pulsating broken foot (it felt broken, at least). It made me really crabby all weekend long and the lady & I got into all sorts of terrible fights.

Many tears. Some yelling. All stupid.

So it's Monday, I'm at work, I'm enormously cranky and unsettled.

I think I need to figure out how not to drink. It exacerbates my depression and makes everything seem so epically dense and tragic. It makes my highs higher, and my lows lower. I need a little seratonin stabilization or I am going to rip this world a new one.

100 deep breaths per day.

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