Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Yeah!

I'm leaving for Boston and NYC on Friday night!!!

Woo HOO!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sometimes the Snow Comes Down in March

There is much to be done. I have had my head up my ass for awhile, being generally self-indulgent and narcissistic.

Tonight I'm going to figure out all of my computer/video equipment issues; I'm going to clean the kitchen floor; I'm going to start making papier mache dove heads; I'm going to flesh out my art website; I'm going to settle on 30th birthday plans; I'm going to post another edited video to my Youtube bizness.

So, still narcissistic, but a little more productive.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It is now

This morning, this beautiful sun-filled birdsong morning, I realized that My Spring has arrived. Portland got one last dab of snow last week, and now we have entered the Prime. The magnolia tree in front of my house is beginning to fill its furry little bursting pods with embryonic flowers, and will soon look like this:I want onion rings.