Monday, April 18, 2011

Post-nap late night plus beer & good music is making me feel pleasantly high. So much future to look forward to, so many manifestations of self.

The bed broke today, and now it's just a box spring and mattress on the floor. I think it makes a big difference, lowering the overall center of gravity and having better perspective of the space above you. I awoke feeling like I had to run outside, wanting to feel the pavement on the soles of my bare feet.

Now for bed, now to prepare for the week ahead.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Has it really been since November?

Wow. I trail off into melodramatic prose and then you don't hear from me for a half a year. I think Facebook status updates robbed me of my attention span.

So I am actually buying a house right now. Deeply in contract, no contingencies, locked my mortgage rate today (4.95%? Is that good?), freaking out, etc.

Just a tiny house in North Portland situated right between Lombard & Rosa Parks Way, Interstate Ave. & I-5. A little white house with a bit of yard and an archway in the miniature living room, and seven interior doors all with faceted glass knobs. It's pretty great, and I'm totally willing to put myself deeply in debt over it.

We are signed up to inherit chickens from the classroom that my friend teaches in... the little ladies are incubating right now, as-yet unhatched. They are part of a "Rarest of the Rare" heritage chicken assortment, and they will probably look weird (a desired trait). They are going to be ready for adoption somewhere in mid-May, so we'd better stick pretty close to the May 2nd closing date. I leave for Philly on May 14th, so I'm essentially abandoning Mendi at home with three warring cats and 2-3 brand new chickens. Sorry Mendi.

So that's all pretty crazy and exciting, huh? I'm still washed with disbelief that it's all happening. That there might just NOT be another shoe to drop, that I'm buying a house and I can paint the walls turquoise and everything is going to be a-okay.