Thursday, May 13, 2010


I've decided that I really am going to buy a house.

I allow myself the fullest range of waffling on this decision, but hear me, right here right now:  Today is the official day that I officially begin my search.  

I called Millynn James, a local lesbian realtor whose MSRP search engine I've been secretly using for the past two years.  She sounds kinda gruff on the phone, but she laughed at my neurotic jokes, so that's a good sign.  We're going to meet in person on Tuesday, like a blind date that ends with a giant mortgage payment instead of marriage.

So what I'm thinking here is that I'm going to start using/writing this blog again, knowing that most likely no one in the universe is reading it, so that I have a stable place to pour out my day-to-day tragedies of the extensive and harrowing first-time home-buying process.  It's a way to validate and reify the fact that I am, indeed, throwing my "oh I might suddenly move to Germany" despondency to the wind and hunkering down to the possibility of homeownership.

M.M. is, of course, roped into all this.  Her grad school debt is so fucking epic that she would never be able to actually help me buy the place, but she can move in with me and help me pay rent.  And, AND, it should be noted because I am notoriously selfish, I am looking for a place with a nice yard so M.M. can raise chickens.  

Enough room for chickens, and no fucking granite countertops, for under $180,000, within walking distance of non-Starbucks coffee, West of 42nd and North of Alberta.  as long as I buy within the next seven months, I don't think that's too much to ask.

Famous last words.  I'll keep you posted.

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